This is a ministry initiated by Pastor Mrs. Astrid SONI for: Women,  Women in Ministry,  Pastors’ wives, and Leaders of various feminine services. At the beginning it was a gathering of the wives of our Bible Institutes’ graduates, but since 1999 it was open to all other women and young girls. Many pastors’ wives and women ministers come to their monthly meetings. 2000 ladies attended their first International Conference in July 2003.

This ministry is an interdenominational service to women, young girls and ministers’ spouses. These ladies are put a side by god for specified services. They are in the ministry either because of an individual calling like Miriam, Debora, Phoebe, or because they are married to ministers. Working at the shadow of their husbands like Priscilla.

Since immemorial time, leader’s wives have a real influence on their husbands. So every woman who is call to be a wife of a minister has a special assignment for being on the side of this man of God. Because as his help meet she shares his intimacy. As his life and ministry companion she is his first advisor, and collaborator.


This Ministry activates primarily to enhance the image of these Women servant of God and spouse of Ministers, to sharpen their potential because of their role in the destiny of many Churches, Ministries and Lives. We motivate women for Self-esteem, Maturity and Excellency.

We meet :

  1. To share our experiences
  2. To give to each woman an opportunity to learn about her duties and obligations
  3. To provide an environment where these women can ask questions, share their difficulties and receive help.
  4. To hold working meetings in order to equip them with tools that can help them improve their ministry